| Trina Solar
  • 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    MA/TrinaTracker Releases Latest Smart Tracking Technology White Paper


    On December 8, 2021, at Trina Sub-forum during the 17<sup>th</sup> China SoG Silicon and PV Power Conference (CSPV), TrinaTracker grandly released <em>A White Paper on SuperTrack - Trina Smart Tracking Technology,</em> and Doctor SUN Kai, Chief Engineer of State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology, made a wonderful speech on Trina’s smart tracking technology.</p>

    <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/news2021120901.jpg" /></p>

    MA/TrinaTracker Releases Latest Smart Tracking Technology White Paper

    On December 8, 2021, at Trina Sub-forum during the 17<sup>th</sup> China SoG Silicon and PV Power Conference (CSPV), TrinaTracker grandly released <em>A White Paper on SuperTrack - Trina Smart Tracking Technology,</em> and Doctor SUN Kai, Chief Engineer of State Key Laboratory of PV Science and Technology, made a wonderful speech on Trina’s smart tracking technology.</p>

    <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/news2021120901.jpg" /></p>


    MA/Multiple Trina Solar’s 670W projects connected to the grid in Japan thanks to innovative delivery solution



    MA/Reliable, efficient and smart: Trina Solar publishes white paper on 14 world-leading tracker manufacturers matching 210 Vertex modules



    MA/Cutting down CO2 emission and raising transporting efficiency, Trina Solar publishes integrated 600W+ modules delivery solution



    MA/The Way to Best LCOE (VI) DNV assessment highlights system value of Trina Solar’s 670W series module with Trina tracker


    DNV, the world’s leading certification body in third-party activities, recently calculated the CAPEX and LCOE of Trina Solar’s 670W+ Vertex bifacial dual-glass modules (measured module power is 660W) plus Trina tracker. The calculations show that <strong>Trina Solar’s Vertex 210mm bifacial dual-glass module can cut CAPEX by up to 1.2 €c/W and LCOE by 2.29%</strong>&nbsp;compared with the 182mm bifacial dual-glass module.</p>

    MA/Vertex 660W solar modules have lower BOS and LCOE for projects in Brazil, Enertis Applus+ study shows


    Since the launch of Trina&nbsp;Solar ‘s 600W+ series, world leading design institutes and well-known third-party organizations have evaluated and studied the BOS and LCOE advantage of Vertex modules. Recently, Enertis Applus+, a global independent services provider to solar projects, has completed the assessment of CAPEX and LCOE of the new generation of ultra-high-power modules 210 (G12) from Trina solar and 166 (M6), 182 (M10) from other manufacturers.</p>

    MA/Up to 1.6%, Field tests prove Trina Solar Vertex 210 module’s energy yield advantage



    MA/Trina Solar’s high value Vertex 670W modules shipped to 70MW fishery PV project


    In late September,&nbsp;the first batch of 30MW Trina Solar 210 Vertex 670W modules was shipped to the Nandagang fishery photovoltaic project in the city of Cangzhou, in Hebei, northern China, and more modules are continuing to be delivered.</p>

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    <img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/2021110301.png" /></p>

    (image: Trina Solar)</p>

    MA/TrinaTracker Performs Excellently at the Huelva 2021 Project

    For the Huelva 2021 solar project, TrinaTracker&nbsp;SP240 (predecessor of Agile&nbsp;1P) has proven to run at high efficiency&nbsp;since its commissioning in&nbsp;summer 2021. Monitoring&nbsp;data&nbsp;shows&nbsp;that&nbsp;the&nbsp;tracking system&nbsp;has a high availability rate of over 99.5%.&nbsp;As&nbsp;the first tracker-equipped solar project in Andalusia,&nbsp;Spain, the project has been running smoothly and efficiently.</p>

