A 100MW fishery photovoltaic project using Trina Solar’s modules proved to generate power with high performance. The modules, with high energy yield and high reliability, can withstand harsh maritime environments and deliver great economic value to customers. </p>
FREMONT, CA — Affordable housing nonprofit, Foundation Communities, in partnership with Spear Commercial & Industrial (Spear) and Trina Solar US (Trina), recently commissioned a rooftop solar PV system at its Waterloo Terrace (Waterloo) apartment complex in Austin, Texas. Now, Foundation Communities can power Waterloo with renewables to accelerate its sustainability goals and provide free solar energy to the complex’s residents.</p>
<strong>Bettering Lives for Austin Communities</strong></h4>
TrendForce, the independent new energy research agency, forecasts that capacity for 210mm products will reach 57% in 2023. The penetration of 600W+ high-power modules is clearly accelerating, setting a distinct direction for both the industry chain and market.</p>
As technology iteration is an essential force in driving industry development, an increasing number of module makers are now producing 210mm modules, marching into the 600W+ era.</p>
Trina Solar has maintained its AAA status for the third consecutive quarter in the PV ModuleTech bankability rankings released by PV Tech for Q4 2022.</p>