
Trina Solar Publishes CAPEX and LCOE Assessment White Paper

United States


Black & Veatch Study Confirms Trina Solar Vertex 660W PV Modules Offer Lowest BOS and LCOE

United States


Trina Solar Chairman Gao Jifan: Better solar, better world

United States

With the launch of its <a href="/us/http://www.danganweishi.com/us/product/VERTEX-DEG21C.20">670W+ ultra-high-power modules</a> in March 2021, Trina Solar led the industry into the 600W+ era and unleashed the full value of 210mm technology, bringing with it a sharp boost in PV efficiency and a decrease in LCOE. Cumulative global shipments of Trina Solar’s 210mm modules now exceed 16GW.</p>

TrinaTracker launches Vanguard 1P, increasing average energy yield by 15% in desert land applications

United States

<img alt="" src="/us/http://mgr.danganweishi.com/sites/default/files/20211214%20Vanguard%201p%... style="width:700px" /></p>
